Thursday, August 14, 2008

Best Man Wedding Toast - 2 Tips to Make it Memorable

A wedding is one of the most fun-filled events that life has to offer, and being the best man in a wedding is one of the highest honors as well. One duty a best man has is that he is to give a wedding toast during the wedding reception. Are you prepared? If not, here are two tips that you can use to make sure you're ready to give your toast:

#1 - Write an Outline and Use Humor

To craft your toast, I would highly suggest you use an outline. While that seems obvious, many people forget this simple task. This will help outline the things you would like to share in your toast.

I would also suggest that you use humor. Use one-liners and funny quotes, when appropriate. If you can make people laugh, many will remember your speech because of that. Good one-liners work every time.

#2 - Keep The Length Between 5-10 Minutes

Many people forget this too. Don't do a toast that is only a couple minutes long. You're the best man for crying out loud, so I'm sure you've got a lot to say. With that in mind, you can't overdo it, either. Make sure that you stay in that 5 to 10 minute range. Somewhere in there will be long enough for you to say what you want to say, as well as hold the crowds attention. Go any longer and you risk losing attention.

Those are just two simple tips that will help you make a great toast. Follow them and you will be well on your way to a great wedding toast!

Are you in a wedding that's on the way? If you don't already have a speech prepared, you need to visit Wedding Toasts. You'll have access to all sorts of one-liners, quotes, sample speeches, toasts and more!

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